Candlelight Flow – ENG

This Experiential Journey will allow you to tap deep into other dimensions to make – those fantastical and strange lands that exist within you. You’ll be encouraged to move through honey, aka find sweetness; to tap and turn into the wisdom of your own body as the best teacher. Find pleasure and release, with no judgement and nothing to see with your own two eyes – the class is mostly in the darkness only lit by warm candlelight. This vinyasa based flow is designed to energize and relax your mind body and spirit after the week’s activities. Who knows, you might even open some recollection of former lives, awaken long stored memories, release what needs to go. Feast for all senses, trippy, transy, unusual music selection, with incense, sage, palo Santo in the air – to burn out and repel evil spirits. For: All humans, lovers of yoga and music, seekers of unusual experience, tired …

When might you need yoga?

In a healthy body, healthy mind

A well-known proverb says - in a healthy body, a healthy mind. In our hectic and energetic times, we forget how important it is to take care of ourselves. Hours spent in front of the computer, stressful meetings, deadlines to meet - it all buzzes, boils and kneads our inner world like a ball of paper.

Building strong relationships

Yoga is the answer to many unasked questions. It stretches, strengthens, calms down – both body and mind. In addition, time spent together on the mat builds real, strong relationships. The bonds formed through exercise and meditation strengthen and enrich each group.

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